Tuesday, September 21, 2010


It's been a busy few months! I haven't been in touch as much as I'd like to be but the good news is I've been working on some exciting things that are sure to improve my skills as a REALTOR. Here's a list of some of the happenings (in nice and neat list form :)):

1-I've been working long and hard on a new and exciting concept. In a nutshell, it's Real Estate 2.0...easier/less stressful for the client, which makes everyones lives easier. More news coming soon. This has been a long process but I think it'll be worthwhile. So, instead of blogging/newslettering, I've been writing a website. If you're ever bored for an extended period of time, you should try it. Here's a sneak peak at the new logo

2-I've moved home addresses and have finally gotten to experience the torture that my clients go through when they're moving and are given a laundry list of items tackle (painting, staging, etc, etc.).
Bad news-I won't stop pushing sellers to do these things (I wouldn't be doing my job otherwise as it's in their best interest)
Good news-I can definitely empathize and am looking for ways to make it less painful for sellers to stand out from their competition. Because the competition is fierce!

3-I moved real estate brokerages. As most real estate agents know, it's tough to find the right fit for the office/company style, technology, and overall feel that you need. In moving to RE/MAX Impact, I'm confident that I found the office environment, support, and synergy that I need. Not to mention the tools, training, and technology that will help get my clients homes sold faster and for more money!

4-Selling Real Estate. I was laying low for a couple months (working on #1) but I'm back in the saddle. And not just the Buying saddle...but the Selling saddle too. Wee-haw!

5-I put together a video for submission in the National Association of Realtors video contest. It took a LOT of effort and if I win, I'll be sent to the NARdiGras 2010 (NAR's conference in New Orleans) in November, which promises to be a great source of information for me to hone my REALTOR skills even more. The video (a leave it to Beaver parody) is actually very good and we worked very hard to make it. Watch it if you'd like...but either way, please give me your vote (literally takes 2 seconds)! Here's the link: NARdiGras 2010 Video Competition.

It's been an exciting few months and at times I've felt like this mule...
but I thank you all for sticking with me and sending me your referalls during these busy and challenging times. I sincerely appreciate it.

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